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Shepherd Fit Wear

1/2 Pound - Organic Wildcrafted SEA MOSS ***SHIPS WITHIN 48 HRS!

1/2 Pound - Organic Wildcrafted SEA MOSS ***SHIPS WITHIN 48 HRS!

Regular price $30.00 USD
Regular price $35.00 USD Sale price $30.00 USD
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You no longer have to worry about finding a good source for your wildcrafted Seamoss!

Our Sea Moss is Harvested from the great island of St. Lucia, which is far away from any major ports or toxic oceans making it the ideal location to get Sea Moss.

BENEFITS of Sea Moss:
-Contains nearly all minerals needed for you to thrive
-Long-lasting energy provided by slow-release carbohydrates
-Excellent for muscle and joint recovery and strong bones
-Amazing for hair, nails, skin & bones. It's better than collagen!
-Helps boost your metabolism
-Rich Source of Iodine

Our St. Lucian wildcrafted Sea Moss is 100% natural and doesn't contain any preservatives or additives. It is laid out in the sun to dry naturally and preserve all of its nutrients and other beneficial properties.

Due to its wildcrafted nature, your Sea Moss may not look exactly like the photos but rest assured its that High Grade!

How to Prepare:

1. Rinse a handful of Sea Moss well and then put in a container with enough water to cover it and soak for at least 4 hours (or overnight). You can also add a squeeze of lime juice while soaking to neutralize Seamoss taste.

2. Remove Sea Moss from water then place in blender with just enough water to cover the Sea Moss and blend until it makes a smooth paste. Your Sea Moss is now ready to be used in your smoothies, desserts and even face masks!

3. Store refrigerated in a clean glass jar for up to 3 weeks, (or Freezer for longer use- no glass jars).

***Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed... to your shall be for food.
Genesis 1:29

This product is not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. This product is intended to support general well-being and are not intended to treat, diagnose, mitigate, prevent, or cure any condition or disease.
***We believe that God does all healing and we seek to assist nature.
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